Ever since, when at 15 years of age, I held an SLR camera in my hand for the first time and had the possibility to use a darkroom, photography has been one of my foremost ways of artistic expression. In fact, my interest for images was born even earlier, as a projectionist apprentice at the local cinema in my home village Vingåker in Sweden.
The search for, and the capturing of, light and its play is what it’s all about – as it is for all photographers, I suppose. A passion for light. Something I explored as an apprentice lighting designer at the regional theatre in Norrköping, Sweden, during my high school years, and later as lighting designer for several fringe theatre plays.
But beyond the search for light – for me it’s also about taking you, the observer, along to another place, another reality, to let you experience what I have experienced. Whether a true to life mountain scenery or a fantasy image of a city street.
During my two exhibitions in Berlin, “Hemma – Zu Hause” and “Stadtteile”, I wanted to explore the possibilities to bring the spectator along on a
walkabout in “my” world. Here is where I also developed my idea with “multi-images”, where a panorama or an image in a bigger format is divided into smaller parts, allowing the onlooker to get a sensation of looking through a mullioned window into another reality.
In recent years I’ve started to experiment with video still-life, where I take my ideas one step further. With moving, meditative motifs the observer can, as I often do myself, settle down and let the thoughts wander whilst the eyes rest upon the scenery. Preferably with a cup of tea in hand. You can view one example below.
To be continued.